The Carmarthenshire We Want - Publication of the Carmarthenshire Public Services Board's (PSBs) Well-being Plan for 2023-28
This is the second Well-being Plan that we have produced since the introduction of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The Act requires public sector bodies to come together as PSBs for their local areas.
The Local Well-being Plan sets out how we will work together to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of our county for the next five years. It builds on a detailed Well-being Assessment which collates data and evidence and also involvement activity with communities and stakeholders across our county.
The Local Well-being Plan 2023-2028 includes the following Wellbeing Objectives:
We look forward to the next chapter of collaboration and co-production, for our future generations.
In accordance with our statutory responsibility, we publish the Advice received from the Office of the Commissioner for Future Generations.
Local Well-being Assessment
The Local Well-being Assessment is a statutory requirement under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. It is based on data, evidence and feedback from our residents and stakeholders on what is important to our communities in terms of Well-being.
This is the second Assessment we have produced since the introduction of the Act. The Assessment provides the evidence base for the Local Well-being Plan, which will determine what we will do over the next 5 years to improve the well-being of people and communities in the County.
We approved the Carmarthenshire Local Well-being Assessment at the beginning of March 2022. The Assessment is supported by detailed documents, which include the Environment and Climate Change Analysis and the Community Well-being profiles.
Carmarthenshire Well-being Assessment 2017 and Plan 2018-2023
One of the first tasks for the Public Services Board (PSB) was to undertake a Well-being Assessment in Carmarthenshire. We have done this in partnership with Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to ensure a consistent approach across the Hywel Dda area footprint.
The Carmarthenshire Well-Being Assessment 2017 outlines what well-being looks like in the County and what Carmarthenshire’s residents and communities want well-being to look like in the future. The assessment explores key issues which positively and/or negatively impact well-being and provides a basic overview and understanding of the nature and levels of well-being in Carmarthenshire. This initial assessment provides a foundation upon which we can build a greater understanding of well-being for our citizens and communities going forward.
Following consideration of the findings of the Well-being Assessment and engagement events, we developed our Draft Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan. Views on the draft plan were invited during a consultation period which ended on 3 January 2018. We considered the Consultation and Engagement Report produced following an analysis of all responses received and amendments were subsequently made to the draft Plan.
We approved the final Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan on 2 May 2018. This Plan will outline how we will work in partnership to address some of the key issues affecting the well-being of the citizens and communities of the County.
Annual Reports